The nuts and bolts of any former network: Current addresses of Alumni – find, search, process and alumni Manager take advantage of hunters and gatherers are targeted. Always looking for addresses of former or future graduates. The current dialog thread tape I Alumni addresses properly manage”gives valuable tips and advice on how to get in compliance with the data protection specifically addresses of Alumni Alumni managers in universities or clubs. The reader discovered numerous practical tips on topics such as searching, framework conditions (data protection, etc.) and the organisation of addresses in databases. But also the address search, the selection of a suitable database or the addresses fundraising can be found in the dialog. The author believes that Ilka Y. Hoepner: in my many Alumni marketing seminars the same questions and concerns regarding privacy, alumni databases, or addresses management again I met. The responses are summarized in this guide.” Many universities have been active for years in the Alumni marketing, While just building their alumni network into others.
However, all need an effective address management and the tools for the expansion of the network to build of a current address Distributor. The manual dialog thread tape I Alumni addresses properly manage”is available in bookstores at the price of 13.50 euros. It is aimed primarily at alumni managers from colleges and clubs. Alumni Manager with experience in sales and dialogue marketing is the author of Ilka Y. Hoepner for more than 11 years.
She is also Managing Director of in India logo, a company established in Julich for marketing and dialog consulting. The Diplom-Kauffrau supported colleges or alumni associations in its alumni work in consulting, training or coaching. Refer to for more information. Interested contact like for more information: in dialogo Hoepner GbR P.o. box 20 25 D-52404 Julich contact: Ilka Hoepner hoepner (at) Tel. 0 24 61.99 53-0 to the in dialogo: in India logo accompanied for many years alumni and University marketing projects with consulting, training and coaching. Our customers benefit from the help of self-help. Research and higher education institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises are among the clientele all over Germany as well as global player.