There is not a standard to classify indicators, depending on the need or business focus one or another classification, is used by the tento classification which we will examine will not be the only or the best. Courses of indicators can be made different classifications without implying this blur in their implementation. Let’s see some classifications: external and internal indicators: it’s externally measure some variables of interest to the Organization, so that defining internal tasks based on the information collected, for example the indicadoresfinancieros of a country, the rate of return, the rate of change, among others. The internal flags control the evolution of certain variables that measure the internal competitiveness of the organization. Quantitative and qualitative indicators: sometimes it is necessary to leave subjectivity aside, so that there are qualitative indicators, measured qualities, as for example the measurement of client satisfaction, qualified in very satisfied, little satisfied, although they quantify a variable, however it is cualidaes we do cantificables. Quantitative management indicators measure caracteriusticas or numerical magnitudes, for example financial management indicators are quantitative management indicators. Monetary and non-monetary indicators: monetary management indicators measure a magnitude quantified as money, they value the result in monetary terms, for example, cost, expenses, investment, etc. Non-monetary indicators of management measure in very different terms such as for example the number of days that the company takes to deliver orders to the customers.
Financial and non-financial indicators: these relacionanel progress of a key factor related to the financial situation of the company, such as liquidity, profitability, the inventory turnover among others, obtained mainly from the financial statements of the organization. Non-financial management indicators measure such factors as the satisfaction of customers or the quality of the products. Indicators of outcome and process indicators: process indicators measure to the inside of the process but give results of behavior of any or some of the stages of the process, while the result indicators show a measure of the quantity delivered by the process, in other words, process indicators measure internal characteristics and the outcome measured outputs of the process. In the course of indicators you can expand and consolidate this and other concepts, so that you can create indicators without thinking about how to make them. Free Video on what it means to measure with averages.